Monday, September 28, 2015

Researching Institution #1

              World Soccer is owned by TimeIncUk which is the magazine produce in UK , with a large portfolio selling over 350 million copies each year. It founded 1968 , headquarter in London , The CEO is Marcus Rich and publication type is Magazine , the site is

              In  1998 , IPC Magazine Ltd was subject to a management buyout financed by CINVEN , a venture capital group , the company was renamed IPC Media . Cinven then sold company to Time Inc, then the magazine publishing subsidiary of Time Warner in 2001


Here’s some buzz worthy stuff that’s too good not to share.
  • Calls on journalists from the world’s great soccer capitals.
  • The ability to deliver the inside track on UK domestic and world football has made it a soccer institution.
  • The website has up-to-the minute global results and insight into players, politics and power-struggles.
  • Covering global football for over 50 years.

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