Tuesday, October 13, 2015


          This is my MOOD BOARD for my magazine , it's including a pair of new LBJ 13 , Nike and Adidas Endorsement . And NBA SUPERSTAR , THE BIG Fundamental , THE KING , THE BLACK MAMBA , The Return of Drose , WALLACE

           Color of heading represent the color of BASKETBALL , one guy on the conner below showing that he looking up to this sport , the color of the jersey represent those player's team .
          In the magazine , I should be include the advert of the sponsor such as NBA , NIKE , ADIDAS or ETC . As I include Nike's item on the moodboard which is new product of the Nike is named "LEBRON XIII" Latest Lebron james gear which he will wear obviously in this opening season

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

DPSs #3

    This is double pages spread from SLAM Magazine , in this poster is LANCE STEPHENSON who is POSTERIZED on a player, POSTERIZED basically mean a player dunking on someone , it's going to be highlight of that game because it's not always happens, POSTERIZED also mean they will put that shot on the poster , sometimes you often hear the announcer says this shot is going to be in the poster which this how much fun of this sport is.
     The image has taken on low angle showing how high the player is on acrobatic , you will see how basketball NBA fashion nowadays compare to the old school , the facial is full of power to slam the ball down

              The heading is SLAMADAMONTH it's maybe the slang of the SLAM OF THE MONTH , 10 29 14 is the date of this happened , TIME WARNER CABLE ARENA Charlotte , NC - it's where he played and team of New York city

            THE MOA is the main image looking up and try to put the ball to the hoop and express the feeling of pride in basketball of main image he has which is attract the audience to feel want to do like him

DPSs #2

         This double page spread is from the magazine "Sport illustrated" one of the highest sale sport magazine in the world by TIME COP

          The main image is on the left side of double page spread showing the ice hockey players trying to reach the puck , in the image showing how safety they need while you playing ice hockey , it is extremely high chance to get accident by playing this kind of sport so , they require good protection such as armor , helmet and etc to protect the body from getting injury after contact .
Seeing the equipment you might want to try but , here come the reality you may not because it's really hurt and you always get injury from this sport , somebody could have the broken arm or knee . it's actually make audience scared but , satisfy only specific people who loves this kind of sport .
                   This image taken in the mid angle showing like the player is striving or driving to something , it's showing the pride and passion in the   game they loved.

                   THE MILE-HIGH MAKEOVER is the title which mean the red team is doing well in previous period or game , the blue team is falling maybe mean he is failing , this has divided in 3 columns in each page and SARAH KWAK is the by line , BOARD CERTIFIED is the caption of the main image The drop cap is the right arrow point to the article and kicker is the question "WHY NOT US"

DPSs #1

         In this double page spread is about a basketball player who is currently playing in NBA with LA CLIPPERS , His name is DeANDRE JORDAN The image has main image and secondary image , the bigger one obviously is the main one , in the main image DeANDRE JORDAN is scoring by slamdunk 2 handed in low angle camera , showing how powerful he is and his game face is on . In the image it is the derby match between LA CLIPPERS VS LA LAKERS which come from the same city . The secondary image shows his personality is a outgoing funny guy , he may looks like a giant but , he is really kind
         "THRIVING WITH DOC"  the title mean to do something good with the DOC who is the coach for LA CLIPPER ,

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Researching Institution #2

Daily Star

       Launched in November 1978, the Daily Star was the UK’s first new national newspaper for more than 50 years.
The paper’s entertaining mix of news, showbiz and sport – all reported in the unique “Star style” – soon gained an army of loyal readers.

      The Daily Star is a family newspaper that really cares about readers and supports, campaigns and entertains. It has always punched above its weight. We report the day’s important news like it is, with no frills – but it is just as important to us to entertain and to make our readers smile. We feature the best pictures, hottest celebrities, outstanding sports coverage and, of course, the latest showbiz gossip.
            For fans of reality television shows like X Factor, Big Brother and I’m a Celebrity, the Daily Star is the must-read paper for their favorite shows and all the behind-the-scenes action. Columns like The Goss, Playlist and Hot TV feature all that’s best in showbiz, pop and TV, while our sports team is second to none, ensuring fans are kept fully in the loop.

          The paper excels in hard news, is proud to support our armed forces and is always delighted to take on the powers that be on behalf of our readers. TV critic Garry Bushell is the best in the business and film writer Andy Lea keeps Hollywood on its toes. Our achievement is widely recognized in the industry.
The Times wrote: “The Sunday success story of the 21st century is the Daily Star Sunday.”

          Daily Star is owned by company called "Northern&Shell" It's Limited Company . It founded in December 1974 , the founder is Richard Desmond . Head quarter in London , UK . Type of media is television and publishing . The website is www.nothernandshell.co.uk

          Desmond founded Northern and Shell in 1974 and launched a magazine called International Musician and Recording World. In 1983, Northern and Shell obtained the licence to publish Penthouse in the United Kingdom which led to its publishing a range of adult titles, Asian Babes among them.These titles were later sold in 2004. It was the first company to move to the revamped Docklands and the Princess Royal opened the offices. When the company moved to the Northern & Shell Tower Prince Philip opened the offices.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Researching Institution #1

              World Soccer is owned by TimeIncUk which is the magazine produce in UK , with a large portfolio selling over 350 million copies each year. It founded 1968 , headquarter in London , The CEO is Marcus Rich and publication type is Magazine , the site is www.timeincuk.com

              In  1998 , IPC Magazine Ltd was subject to a management buyout financed by CINVEN , a venture capital group , the company was renamed IPC Media . Cinven then sold company to Time Inc, then the magazine publishing subsidiary of Time Warner in 2001


Here’s some buzz worthy stuff that’s too good not to share.
  • Calls on journalists from the world’s great soccer capitals.
  • The ability to deliver the inside track on UK domestic and world football has made it a soccer institution.
  • The website has up-to-the minute global results and insight into players, politics and power-struggles.
  • Covering global football for over 50 years.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Create your own user feedback survey

Friday, September 18, 2015

School Magazine Content

                        Here is my content page in the magazine and , sketching one . The sketching doesn't seem like perfect much , with the white background makes things clear to see . The Content page tell what page all the article belong to also and, the content page should contains Layout , Subtitle , Color Scheme , Masthead , Title and Images

LAYOUT - it's quite simple . firstly I wanted to divide them in to 3 columns but , my real one is definitely different because i decide to do 2 columns as  I have not much data to fill in

SUBTITLE - "SECURE YOUR FUTURE" is the subtitle . Normally the subtitle should be under the title , I decide to put it here to make different to other , I want to make them clear to look and tell the other that Traill is  protecting your future , it's slogan to make people trust school.

COLOR SCHEME - As I want to keep them as simple as possible , so I choose white background to make everything clear such as text , image and slogan 

TITLE - the masthead here is still simple black text with italic and bold

MAIN IMAGE - It's the new building which is ICT room , because it's in the middle so , that must be the main image of the magazine . And telling audience that the new building is the most important in the magazine

SECONDARY IMAGE - Showing what activity we do , those are the pictures in sport day . The student is doing some athletic sport such as long jump , high jump and sprinting which really represent our school cares about their healthy lifestyle

                     If i could done this again i would change the size and font of the content page to be bigger so it will be look more attractive and also the picture turned side way should be straight up also the back ground should be more colorful , I should include more pages and stuff in this page bother

School magazine FC

                Here is my sketch for front cover magazine , it slightly different from the new one , firstly I want to put the main student image on the content and the font cover , I will just use the school logo which is now changing over , the font cover include with masthead , skyline , anchorage text , MOA , sell line , cover line , main image , secondary image , and Contrast

MASTHEAD - in my front cover the masthead is Traill today which mean , what's going on in traill , what is the latest update of Traill and any news in anything about e school which those based on what students in the school interest or like in .

SKYLINE - the skyline is ''MYSTERY OF BEING SUCCESSFUL'' it does contains the data of the veteran student who is already pass those experience given some tips to be successful , it is really useful for the students who is struggling or want to be successful in life

ANCHORAGE TEXT - in this magazine is '' PLAY NOW WORK LATER '' it has deep meaning that's now is the time to have fun we are going to work in adult time , now is not the time to work it is time to enjoy

MOA - the main image directly looking at audience

SELL LINE / COVER LINE - in this magazine the sell line is ''EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WTIH . . .'' it makes the audience feels like they want to buy the magazine to know what be contains inside the magazinet

MAIN IMAGE - the main image is the MARC IGUBAN , who is directly looking to the audience and holding the basketball showing that he is ''Student-Athlete'' 

SECONDARY IMAGE - the secondary image is the basketball team and the school represent what are we good at

CONTRAST -  the background is like the sun reflect to the main image to give the RISE of the student-athlete

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sports illustrated Content #3

                           This is illustrated contents page . the main image is american football , which showing that football is the most popular sport in the america , it has divided in 4 columns the number of page is yellow tell where all the articles are belong , this is the black theme showing how strong this sport .

LAYOUT -  This magazine has divided in 4 columns . it's really clear to see that . every column contain almost the same amount of text because they want to show the lower picture (main image)

COLOR SCHEME - It's quite good as they put the galaxy on the background which they want to tell that those players are the star in the galaxy

TITLE - Sport illustrated is the title and it's also the name of the magazine

MAIN IMAGE - The american football players fighting to score the football

Sports illustrated Content #2

                           The left page is the advertisement of one brand of vodka , the right page is the content of the sport illustrated , this magazine always keep thing simple with the white theme and there is black text with some other color showing different article the main image are 3 pictures on the left it is in 2 columns
on the right column it might be secondary image and under them , they guide where all the pictures go to the page

LAYOUT -  2 columns separately contains images and different kind of text 

SUBTITLE - Sport illustrated is the subtitle and , it is the name of the magazine

COLOR SCHEME - White background showing simple scheme text and clear images

TITLE - LINE UP , other meaning is like make the text organised and in order

 IMAGE - relate to the page where they locate those specific article about the images

Sports illustrated Content #1

                       This is sport illustrated , this is their contents of the magazine showing where all articles belong , it is white clear color with simple font . the blue number and topic show the pages of the articles ,       the main image is 2nd page which show the picture of what relevance in the article
5th and 6th are the second article which are obviously smaller than the main image . it has divided in 2 columns 

LAYOUT -  it has divided in 2 columns and 3 images of college basketball , the big number of the pages showing how important of article relate to magazine

COLOR SCHEME - simple white make text and image clear and easy to look on to

TITLE - Contents is the title showing this page is the content of the magazine and , where all the article belong to which page.

MAIN IMAGE - Page 2 is the main image . the player playing defense . Obviously that page must be about that player or team.

SECONDARY IMAGE -  2 under images is secondary image it's the player dribbling and shooting the ball which they must contains information about them


This XXL magazine links to the sport that is JAY Z is the owner of Brooklyn nets , one of the best team in NBA

Thursday, September 10, 2015

"SLAM" Magazine Analysis #2

MASTHEAD -  The orange bold text giving us feeling of how big of basketball and star in side the M letter

OVERLAP - Kevin Durant is the overlap in this magazine , showing he is bigger than SLAM , which
mean he is bigger than basketball game

MAIN IMAGE - KD is the main image

ANCHORAGE TEXT - IT'S KD TIME !, big capital and bold in black text , showing that , this is the time of KD to win the championship , he gets the best career is this year , he is one of the most dangerous scorer , three pointer , driving strong to the basket and leadership

SELL LINE - Those are the NBA players who still hooping in the league , some are retire
2nd Sell line - Kevin Duruant & OKC are in it to win it. Which mean the KD and his team are in NBA to win the Championship

MOST OF ADRESS - directly look to the audience making ROAR , make audience scared of him

SKYLINE - HEATS , MAVS , BULLS , LAKER OR MAYBE . . . ( OKC) which mean maybe OKC is the most ready team this season 2012 , they have got Russel Westbrook , James Harden , Searge Ibaka and Kendrick Perkin , most of the players are on the peek point , which might help the team to win championshio in that year but, unluckily the team fall to Heats

He is holding Spalding basketball which is the sponsor of the magazine , other meaning he can turn the ball to anywhere , win or lose

"SLAM" Magazine Analysis #1