Friday, September 18, 2015

School Magazine Content

                        Here is my content page in the magazine and , sketching one . The sketching doesn't seem like perfect much , with the white background makes things clear to see . The Content page tell what page all the article belong to also and, the content page should contains Layout , Subtitle , Color Scheme , Masthead , Title and Images

LAYOUT - it's quite simple . firstly I wanted to divide them in to 3 columns but , my real one is definitely different because i decide to do 2 columns as  I have not much data to fill in

SUBTITLE - "SECURE YOUR FUTURE" is the subtitle . Normally the subtitle should be under the title , I decide to put it here to make different to other , I want to make them clear to look and tell the other that Traill is  protecting your future , it's slogan to make people trust school.

COLOR SCHEME - As I want to keep them as simple as possible , so I choose white background to make everything clear such as text , image and slogan 

TITLE - the masthead here is still simple black text with italic and bold

MAIN IMAGE - It's the new building which is ICT room , because it's in the middle so , that must be the main image of the magazine . And telling audience that the new building is the most important in the magazine

SECONDARY IMAGE - Showing what activity we do , those are the pictures in sport day . The student is doing some athletic sport such as long jump , high jump and sprinting which really represent our school cares about their healthy lifestyle

                     If i could done this again i would change the size and font of the content page to be bigger so it will be look more attractive and also the picture turned side way should be straight up also the back ground should be more colorful , I should include more pages and stuff in this page bother

1 comment:

  1. If you were to complete this task again, what do you think you would do differently?
