Thursday, September 10, 2015

"SLAM" Magazine Analysis #2

MASTHEAD -  The orange bold text giving us feeling of how big of basketball and star in side the M letter

OVERLAP - Kevin Durant is the overlap in this magazine , showing he is bigger than SLAM , which
mean he is bigger than basketball game

MAIN IMAGE - KD is the main image

ANCHORAGE TEXT - IT'S KD TIME !, big capital and bold in black text , showing that , this is the time of KD to win the championship , he gets the best career is this year , he is one of the most dangerous scorer , three pointer , driving strong to the basket and leadership

SELL LINE - Those are the NBA players who still hooping in the league , some are retire
2nd Sell line - Kevin Duruant & OKC are in it to win it. Which mean the KD and his team are in NBA to win the Championship

MOST OF ADRESS - directly look to the audience making ROAR , make audience scared of him

SKYLINE - HEATS , MAVS , BULLS , LAKER OR MAYBE . . . ( OKC) which mean maybe OKC is the most ready team this season 2012 , they have got Russel Westbrook , James Harden , Searge Ibaka and Kendrick Perkin , most of the players are on the peek point , which might help the team to win championshio in that year but, unluckily the team fall to Heats

He is holding Spalding basketball which is the sponsor of the magazine , other meaning he can turn the ball to anywhere , win or lose

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